In the last article, we started the slow and steady process of refactoring our ExpensesViewController, and we will continue this process with an eye on testing.One of the most challenging issues in our class is…
Author: Fabio Mignogna
The art of slow and steady refactoring. Move away responsibilities and break down big classes.
In my previous article, I described a typical scenario where a manager asks for a new feature. We naively add it in without looking a little bit ahead and thinking about the implication on the…
Broken Window Theory: can we get this s**t done tomorrow? The recipe for failure.
While I was sipping my coffee, reading the umpteenth blog post on MVVM vs MVC vs MV-something (by the way, have a look here), the project manager came around and said: “Fabio! Our customers would…
Read more of Broken Window Theory: can we get this s**t done tomorrow? The recipe for failure.